
Southwest Regional Championships & Ultra-Long, aka, Texas Stampede XII!


Join us at Clements Scout Ranch in Athens for two days of challenging orienteering in the piney woods of East Texas–home to Scouts, lots of deer, 30-50 feral hogs and the occasional (tiny) gator. Or, challenge yourself on the one-day Ultra-long course on Saturday only. See Meet Director notes for full details on both races.

Pre-registration is closed, but you can still register at the event on site, Saturday and Sunday.

General info

Event Officials

Meet Director: Lisa Carr ……. Meet Director notes (PDF) 
Course Setters: Gene Wernette and Ray Janes ……. Course Setter notes (PDF)
Assisting School: Dobie High School (Lt. Col. William Malpass)
E-Punch Coordinator: Ray Janes


We’ll be offering the following courses:
White: Easiest
Yellow: Experienced beginners
Orange: Intermediate
Brown: Short-length advanced
Green: Medium-length advanced
Red: Long-length advanced
Ultra-Long (aka Black): Extra long advanced — Saturday only

See a detailed description of each class. (Note: Does not include description of Ultra-Long, which is essentially two Reds back to back.)


Unless stated otherwise, we’ll offer the full slate of NTOA classes. Classes are determined by age bracket for competitive individuals and +/- age 19 for Recreational (two or more people) teams. 

See a listing of all the NTOA classes. (PDF)

Scoring: Manual punchcards will be used to score the White and Yellow courses. E-punch will be used to score the Orange, Brown, Green, Red and Ultra-Long courses.


Please be sure to check the NTOA Facebook Page or Group for last-minute schedule changes. We hold events rain or shine, but we have unfortunately had to cancel events once in a great while due to high water or other extenuating circumstances.


Time Activity
8:00 – 10:30 a.m. Registration is open
8:45 a.m. Ultra-long course briefing
9:00 a.m. Ultra-Long course mass start! Awards presented to the top 3 competitors as they finish.
9:00 a.m. Boy Scout merit badge briefing
9:30 a.m. Beginners clinic: Open to all!
10:00 a.m. Orienteers start out on each course in one-minute intervals
1:00 p.m. Standard courses close — all competitors must be back by this time.
3:00 p.m. Ultra-long course closes — all competitors must be back by this time.
8:00-9:00 p.m. Course review @ Holiday Inn Express (optional but fun!)


Time Activity
8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Registration is open — Remember, White & Yellow need to get start times!
9:00 a.m. Orienteers start out on each course in one-minute intervals.
12:00 p.m. Courses close — all competitors must by back by this time.
~1:00 p.m. Awards ceremony with two-day results — ASAP after course closure, latest 1:00 p.m.


Online pre-registration is highly encouraged! We use the pre-registration numbers to determine how many pre-printed maps to produce for each event. In particular, group leaders, please pre-register or drop the Registrar an email to talk about your  group’s size. We do print a modest number of extra maps, and day-of-race registration is permitted. But there’s no guarantee you’ll have a map. Pre-registration is FREE and opens about 10 days before each event. so please take a moment to do it. Thanks!

Questions about registration? Contact the NTOA Registrar. For questions on other event matters, contact the Meet Director (listed above). 

Event fees

Individuals (1 person navigating on their own):
Only individuals can officially compete (awards for top 3 in each class) at NTOA events. But even if you’re doing it on your own just for recreation, please sign up as a (competitive) individual. Members and youth (aka, Juniors, age 19 and under) pay reduced event fees. There’s a $3 surcharge for adult day-of-race entries. So join NTOA and pre-register! Fee covers 1 map.

Competitor type Cost
Juniors (age 19 and under) $10/day
NTOA (and other O clubs) members $15/day
Non-member $20/day
E-punch rental (Orange, Brown, Green, Red, Ultra-Long courses) $3/day
Day-of-race surcharge $3/day

Recreational Teams (2 or more people navigating together):

We love teams — orienteering is a great family activity! Teams aren’t eligible for awards, just the fun. Base fee covers the first 2 team members and 2 maps. Add people for $5 each. Kids under age 8 are free (after first 2 team members paid).

Team type Cost
All teams (first 2 people) $17/day
Extra person (over age 7) – includes map $5/person/day

Southwest Regional Championships (2-day event)

Instructions: Select one of the options below to register yourself, the students of your school group, or your fun recreational team. Clicking on one of the buttons will take you to our separate NTOA Registration website. See venue limits and current number of registrants.

Pre-registration  is closed, but you can still register on site at the event,  on Saturday or Sundat.

Competitive Individual

Large Group

Recreational Teams

Enter 1 competitive individual at a time.


Enter 1-20 competitive individuals from the same group (e.g., school, club, Scout group, JROTC unit).

Enter 1 recreational team (min. 2 people; max 5 people). 

Register Individual

Register Group Members

Register Teams

See who’s registered

View by surname
View by organization

View by class

Ultra-Long (Saturday only)

Ultra-Long (aka, Black) course event participants register here only!

Register for Ultra-Long


There are two options: Going southeast through Dallas, which is more direct, or heading directly south to I20 and then heading east, which is longer in distance. At low traffic times, passing through Dallas will be quicker. However, if you will be passing through downtown Dallas during rush hour, particularly on Friday, taking the southern route may be faster. 

Travel time from DFW Airport to Clements Scout Ranch in good traffic conditions: ~ 2 hrs 

Option 1: Through Dallas 
Take the South airport exit 
Take Hwy 183 East towards Dallas 
Hwy 183 merges into I35E 
Take I35E into Dallas 
After passing through downtown Dallas: 
Take I30 East towards Texarkana 
Take I45 South towards Houston 
Follow directions below from “Dallas to Athens” 

Option 2: Around Dallas to I20 
Take the South airport exit 
Take Hwy 183 West towards Ft. Worth 
Take Hwy 360 South 
Take I20 East towards Shreveport 
Take Hwy 175 South towards Kaufman 
Follow directions below from “Dallas to Athens” 

Dallas to Athens Travel time from downtown Dallas to Clements Scout Ranch ~ 1 hr 25 min 
From Dallas on I45 heading South 
Take Hwy 175 to Kaufman 
Hwy 175 continues to Athens 
Take Hwy 175 all the way into Athens until Hwy 31 
Take Hwy 31 East (Left) to town center