BSA Orienteering Merit Badge
Troops must provide their own 2-deep leadership or parents should accompany Scouts to the meets. NTOA will provide instruction and courses to complete the merit badge requirements. The merit badge requires participation in 3 orienteering courses and working as an official at one meet. Generally, Scouts can complete one course per meet day.
Note to Scoutmasters: The courses will satisfy the 1st Class orienteering requirement if you add the measuring of the height and width of objects (flag pole, tree, creek, etc.). That instruction is not provided.
Scouts should arrive at least 30 minutes before the first beginner’s clinic for the merit badge briefing. Scouts should wear clothes suitable for bushwhacking through the forest. Running shoes or boots are OK. Long pants or jeans, gaiters, or tall socks would be good. Bring suitable outdoor gear for the weather conditions (jacket, poncho or rain suit, gloves, hat, etc.). Orienteering meets are held even if raining. Also compass, watch, canteen or water bottle, and whistle (loaners available). Many bring a sack lunch for after they run, as food is not provided.
Be sure to pre-register on the NTOA website before the meet. If you pre-register, you will get a pre-printed map of your course. If you don’t, you may have to draw your course on a blank map before you start.
If you have any questions, contact merit badge counselor, Ralph Courtney or phone 903-814-0232.
BSA Venture Crew
What is Venturing?
Venturing is an inclusive program through the Boy Scouts of America for males and females ages 14-21 (or 13 and completed the 8th grade). Venturing is one of the fastest-growing BSA programs!
The purpose of Venturing is to provide experiences to help young people mature and become responsible and caring adults. Young people in Venturing learn leadership skills and participate in challenging outdoor activities.
What an orienteering crew could expect to do:
- Meet and compete at NTOA events
- Plan competitions and training event at Circle Ten Camps
- Participate in regional and national events as an orienteering Club team