We’ll be kicking off the 2019-2020 NTOA season before you know it — and it sure feels great to do it with a fully stocked, re-organized trailer. Let’s help Ralph get everything straightened up and cleaned up the week before our NOD event at Gateway Park.
Trailer overhaul will start at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21, at the Courtney Ranch in Denison: 4422 Fannin Ave. Denison, TX. It’s in the country and your GPS navigation will get you close, but not exact. So here are some directions:
Take Hwy 75 north to Denison. Take exit 66, Spur 503 east 2.6 miles, to first red light. At light, go right on Fannin Ave. (south), 1.3 miles. There is a Chevy dealer on that corner. Look for mailbox 4422 on west side of Fannin, right across from driveway on east side. Ralph will hang a control bag.
NOTE: Lisa now has a conflict on Saturday afternoon and won’t be able to stay to do website training. She’ll announce another opportunity soon, to be conducted virtually.
Please drop Ralph an email to let him know whether you’re coming, so he can make sure there’s enough grub: ralph@courtneyrentals.com.
Thanks in advance for your help!