Spring-O 2022 with Longhorn Council BSA
Saturday, March 26, 2022
Sid Richardson Scout Ranch, Bridgeport, TX
Spring-O is a one-day cross-country orienteering competition co-sponsored by NTOA and the Longhorn Council BSA. The event is open to all Scouts and Scouters, NTOA members, ROTC units, orienteering clubs and the general public! The meet attracts competitors from around the state. Come enjoy the challenging terrain of the Sid Richardson Scout Ranch near Bridgeport.
For full details, including the courses and classes available, please download the Spring-O Participation Guide (PDF)! (Updated 3/7/22)
Registration for this event is a two-step process.
1. General event sign-up and camping reservations (if you want to stay at camp) are made on the Longhorn Council BSA Event Site.
2. To choose the course you plan to run, select the appropriate button below, here on the NTOA site.
Registration for this event is now closed.
Competitive Individual OR 2-man BSA Teams
Recreational Teams
Register Individual or 2-man BSA Team
Register Group Members
Register Teams
Enter 1 competitive individual or Team at a time.
Enter 1-20 competitive individuals from the same group (e.g., school, club, Scout group, JROTC unit).
Enter 1 recreational team (min. 2 people; max 5 people).
Save time at the event: Download and complete this participation waiver and bring it with you!
See who’s is registered: