Erwin DIY-O 2023: Participation waiver and registration
Complete this form to participate in NTOA’s DIY orienteering event.
By submitting this form, you agree to print maps only for your individual use; no reprints or usage for commercial purposes are permitted. You must also agree to the terms of the waiver. (Note: This opts you into NTOA email messages such as event reminders – data will not be shared outside NTOA –
unsubscribe at any time via link in email.)
Waiver of Responsibility
If you do not fully accept the following and do not complete and submit this waiver, you will not be allowed to participate:
I, the undersigned, know that Orienteering, as an outdoor action sport, carries significant risk of personal injury. I know that there are natural and man-made hazards, environmental conditions, and risks, which in combination with my actions, can cause me serious or possibly even fatal injury. I agree that I as a participant must take an active role in understanding and accepting these risks, conditions and hazards. I also agree that I alone am responsible for my safety while I participate in this event, and not the organizers and officials of this event, the North Texas Orienteering Association, the US Orienteering Federation, the land owners or managers, the municipality/county/state of the event location, or any sponsors. Finally, the undersigned is granted a one-time guest membership to OUSA only for the duration of the event.
Parent or Guardian MUST approve if entrant is under 18 years of age.