2023 Night-O Championships of the Republic of Tylerstanovia
Sat., April 15, 2023
Score-O, mass-start format: Find as many controls as you can within 90 minutes. All controls have same point value, i.e., 1 pt.
Eligibility: Advanced orienteers may run solo. Those who completed the day-time orange course in a reasonable amount of time may run solo. Slower orange runners and those who did the white or yellow course should form teams of at least two. Event commissioners WILL check day-time results.
Registration: No online registration required. Sign-up sheet will be available at main event in the morning.
Cost: $5 donation suggested — all proceeds support Texas Junior Orienteering Camp.
What you need: Each person should carry a good light (headlamps are convenient for hands-free operation) and a decent back-up light. Once the sun goes down, the woods get very dark. Seriously, the darkness of the woods is not like the darkness of your neighborhood and can become disorienting. Carry a whistle just in case. AND a watch.
Control markers: We use special highly reflective night-O markers; with a good light they are easy to spot. Control points will be in night-O friendly locations chosen to minimize thorns and other aggravations.
–Pre-start meeting: 7:15 pm at store/bathhouse parking lot
–Start time: 7:30pm. Sunset isn’t until 7:50pm, but the woods will already feel dark.
–Finish time: 9:00pm. All runners must be off the course and checked in at the finish by 9:00pm. Anyone who is even one second late will be penalized 1000 points and then taken to a Tylerstanovia dungeon for interrogation as to why the use of a watch seemed too difficult; interrogation will last 2-3 days.
Awards: The top 50 places will be invited to visit Tylerstanovia’s Grand Palace to meet the Queen.
Volunteer opportunity: Help pick up the markers afterward. With a few people, it will take only 30 minutes.
Night O is a lot of fun. It’s a very different experience than being out in the day. It requires careful navigation and when completed, you will enjoy a unique sense of accomplishment. We hope you can join us!
–Tom Carr, course setter